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In case of downloading multiple tiles and you want merge them use the script here
Input layers to derive the Hydrography90m: MERIT HYDRO DEM, depression. The MERIT HYDRO DEM can be directly download from the official MERIT HYDRO webpage The depression layer is stored at r.watershed archive folder directory.
Elevation | |
Depression | |
Depression areas not present in the study area. | |
Base layers of Hydrography90m: flow accumulation, flow direction maps computed with the r.watershed GRASS GIS module. These files are stored in the r.watershed archive folder directory.
Flow accumulation | |
Flow direction | |
Network layers of Hydrography90m: drainage basins, stream segments, subcatchments, outlets maps computed with the GRASS GIS module. These files are stored in the r.watershed archive folder directory.
Drainage basin | |
Stream segment | |
Sub-catchment | |
Outlet | |
Stream slope of Hydrography90m: curvature, gradient (elevation difference divided by distance), and elevation difference raster maps computed with the GRASS GIS module. These files are stored in the archive folder.
Maximum curvature between highest upstream cell, focal cell and downstream cell | |
Minimum curvature between lowest upstream cell, focal cell and downstream cell. | |
Elevation difference between focal cell and downstream cell | |
Focal cell gradient | |
Stream/outlet distance of Hydrography90m: stream/outlet distance and elevation difference raster maps computed with the GRASS GIS module. These files are stored in the archive folder.
Shortest upstream distance between focal grid cell and the nearest sub-catchment drainage divide | |
Longest upstream distance between focal grid cell and the nearest sub-catchment drainage divide | |
Distance between focal grid cell and its nearest downstream stream grid cell | |
****Distance between focal grid cell and the outlet grid cell in the network | |
Distance between focal grid cell and the downstream stream node grid cell | |
Euclidean distance between focal grid cell and the stream network | |
Elevation difference of the shortest path from focal grid cell to the sub-catchment drainage divide | |
Elevation difference of the longest path from focal grid cell to the sub-catchment drainage divide | |
Elevation difference between focal grid cell and its nearest downstream stream pixel | |
Elevation difference between focal grid cell and the outlet grid cell in the network | |
Elevation difference between focal grid cell and the downstream stream node grid cell | |
Stream segment properties of Hydrography90m: curvature, gradient (elevation difference divided by distance), and elevation change raster maps computed with the GRASS GIS module. These files are stored in the archive folder.
Segment downstream mean gradient between focal cell and the node/outlet | |
Segment upstream mean gradient between focal cell and the init/node | |
Upstream gradient between focal cell and the next cell | |
Cell stream course curvature of the focal cell | |
Segment downstream elevation difference between focal cell and the node/outlet | |
Segment upstream elevation difference between focal cell and the init/node | |
Upstream elevation difference between focal cell and the next cell | |
Downstream elevation difference between focal cell and the next cell | |
Segment downstream distance between focal cell and the node/outlet | |
Segment upstream distance between focal cell and the init/node | |
Upstream distance between focal cell and next cell | |
Stream order of Hydrography90m: stream order raster and vector files computed with the GRASS GIS module. These files are stored in the archive folder.
Strahler’s stream order | |
Shreve’s stream magnitude | |
Horton’s stream order | |
Hack’s stream order | |
Topological dimension of streams | |
All stream segments and nodes attributes | |
Flow index of Hydrography90m: flow index computed using flow accumulation and terrain slope. These files are stored in the flow.index archive folder.
Stream power index | |
Stream transportation index (sti) | |
Compound topographic index | |